Frequently Asked Questions


What is "speech"?

Speech is how we say sounds and words. It involves the physical aspect of how we use our lips, tongue, teeth, breath and voice box to form words. 
Children typically develop appropriate sound productions within an expected time frame. Articulation and phonological disorders indicate errors in speech production that are not typical for a child’s age. The help of speech-language pathologist is often needed to correct these errors. 
Example: a child who says “wabbit” instead of “rabbit,” or “tar” instead of “car”


What is language?

Language is the words we use and how we use them to communicate our wants, needs, and feelings. Language involves three areas:

  • Expressive Language: how a person communicates wants and needs through words and gestures. This includes vocabulary and sentence formation.

  • Receptive Language: how a person understands what is being said to them. It involves attention, following directions and understanding questions. 

  • Pragmatic Language: how a person communicates socially. It involves awareness of general social rules and how to interact appropriately with others. 


Does my child need speech therapy?

If you’re concerned that your child might need speech therapy, take a look at these developmental milestone charts as a reference for what to expect for your child’s age range. You should also talk with your child’s pediatrician and daycare/school teacher, as they would be able to tell you how your child is communicating compared to his/her peers. Each child is an individual and develops at his/her own pace, but a speech pathologist is able to determine when a true delay is present. Please contact me with other questions or for more information about potentially evaluating your child. 

Birth - 5 Years

K - 5th Grade


How long are sessions?

Speech therapy sessions are 30-50 minutes. Evaluations generally require 60-90 minutes.


What will treatment sessions look like?

Depending on the age, treatment goals, and attention level of the child, session format can vary. For a child in pediatric speech therapy, it will look a lot like play! Evidence shows that children learn best through play and natural, everyday interactions. I will teach you how to interact with your child effectively in order to improve his/her speech and language skills. (See Hanen link). For older children, sessions might be held at the table. In all sessions, I encourage parent involvement in order for therapy to be truly effective.

I also offer virtual therapy sessions, also called telehealth, based on individual client needs. These sessions are conducted via Zoom, during which I work directly with the child or as a facilitator and coach for parent-child interaction.


Do you accept insurance?

I do not accept insurance at this time, but please contact me for more information about pricing.